因此 As a result
北京的鸳鸯得到了妥善的保护 Beijing's mandarin ducks are highly protected
北京古老胡同的小巷 The alleyways of the capitals's ancient hutongs
是很多不同生物的家园 are home to a very different kind of creature
每天,周国光都要 Each day, Zhou Guoguang
照料他那一窝鸽子 tends his brood of pigeons
这一两个小时他可以远离 his chance to escape the pressures of city life
城市生活的压力 for an hour or two
在屋顶上 Up here on the rooftops
周国光相信他的鸽子能够被安全的照料 Zhou is confident his charges will be safe
但鸽子要是在下边的街上觅食 but in the streets below
就潜藏着被偷偷带走的危险 lurk dangerous spirits that scavenge and steal
胡同的深处 Deeper into the hutongs
极少受到现代北京的影响 the influence of modern Beijing recedes
那些巷子充满了古老的传说 These alleys are full of ancient beliefs
夜幕降临 As night falls
藏在深处的动物开始活动了 spirits emerge from their hiding places
黄鼠狼 The Yellow Weasel
一些人认为 Some people believe
冒犯这些狡猾的肉食动物 that offending this crafty predator
能带来坏运气 can bring bad luck
所以对黄鼠狼晚上的活动 so they turned a blind eye
人们睁一只眼闭一只眼 to the weasel's night-time marauding
旧的观念 Old beliefs
连同逐渐增强的保护意识 coupled with a rising awareness of conservation
使得黄鼠狼 are helping the yellow weasel's survive
能在北京城生存 in the middle of Beijing
尽管人们还在猎杀残存的鸽子 despite killing the odd pigeon
在中国的南部 In the south of China
人与自然的关系似乎更加严峻 the relationship with nature appears more brutal
广东人因其食物多样性而闻名 Cantonese cuisine is famous for its persity
俗话说得好 summed up in the saying
“四条腿的唯桌子不吃” "we'll eat anything on 4 legs, except a table"
尽管中国政府取缔 And though the government has banned
猎食野生动物 the consumption of wildlife in China
这里的许多肉来自 and most of the meat here
人工饲养的动物 comes from captive-bred animals
但仍有相当数量的肉 非法取自野生动物 a significant amount is taken illegally from the wild
这家香港餐馆专供蛇肉 This restaurant in Hongkong specializes in serpents
大多数蛇是无毒的捕鼠蛇 Most are harmless rat snakes
但菜单上也有罕见的眼镜蛇 but with the odd cobra on the menu
一失足就可能招致麻烦 one false move could spell trouble
曹凯玲数不清有多少次 Chau Ka-Ling has lost count of the number of times
被蛇咬过了 she's been bitten
所以她总是带着中草药 so she always carries a Chinese herbal remedy
以防万一 just in case
选择这种奇怪的食物 We might turn our noses up
我们可以嗤之以鼻 at such a strange choice of food
但是吃蛇肉不仅仅是品尝 but eating snakes is more than just a matter of taste
广东人相信吃蛇肉可以净化血液 the Cantonese believe it can help to clean the blood