熊猫属于熊科 is a member of the bear family
但是那是这种分类方法 But its bear-like digest system
是按照食肉方法分的,不是按吃韧性纤维分的is built for eating meat, not this tough fibrous stuff
更糟的是 And to make matters worse
竹叶冻住了 the bamboo leaves are frozen solid
但是熊猫发明了一个巧妙的方法 But the panda has devised a cunning way
来把冰弄掉 of breaking the ice off
它用鼻子把冰蹭掉 It rubs the bamboo over its snout
不像其他熊类 Unlike other bears
熊猫不能通过冬眠 the panda can't fatten itself up and hibernate
来度过冬天 through the winter
竹子的能量很低 Bamboo is so low in energy
熊猫不得不把大量时间放在吃上 that the panda must spend most of the day eating
一旦一个地方的竹子吃完了 Once it has exhausted one area
熊猫必须继续前进到另一个地方 it must move on to the next
熊猫的爪子也与熊爪有很大的不同 The panda's paw is surprisingly unbearlike too
熊猫的爪子很灵活 It's flexible
熊猫腕骨很大,能准确地抓住 with an enlarged wrist bone which allows it to grasp
并灵活地控制竹子 but maneuver the bamboo with dexterity and precision
令猴子都羡慕 that a monkey would be proud of
把竹叶弄成雪茄形状 Twisting the bamboo leaves into a cigar shape
便于它们咀嚼 makes them easier to munch
饥饿的熊猫曾流浪在 Hungry pandas once roamed
广阔丰饶的竹林当中 across vast tracks of bamboo-rich forest
这些竹林曾覆盖中国的中心地带 that covered much of China's heartland
但是自从20世纪50年代以后 But since the 1950s
伐木破坏了秦岭地区的山林 logging has fragmented the Qinling mountain forests
剩下的熊猫局限在 Its remaining wild pandas are now confined
剩下的独立的地方生活 within isolated reserves
在过去的50年里 In the last 50 years
中国的中心地带受到已经沙漠化 China's heartland has been subjected
干涸的河流和被伐的森林 to desertification, drying rivers and deforestation
影响了人类和野生动物 affecting not only people, but wildlife too
中国人和周围的 The relationship between the Chinese people
环境 and their environment
似乎失去了平衡 appears bo be out of balance
如果我们再深究一下 but if we dig a little bit deeper
就会发现即使在今天 仍然有着 there are some surprising and intimate connections
令人惊奇的密切联系 even today
那些与自然联系的线索 Clues to the nature of these links
可以从日常生活中发现 can be found in everyday life
即使在中国首都的中心 even in the centre of China's capital city
在北京的公园里 In the parks of Beijing
鸳鸯时刻关注着自己的孩子 mandarin ducks keep a close watch over their young
中国人相信它们终生守候在一起 Believed by the Chinese to pair for life
几百年以来他们都被看做 they have been seen for centuries as a symbol
爱与忠诚的象征 of love and fidelity
人们认为那些鸟儿的形象 Images of these birds are believed
可以增进人际关系 to improve personal relationships