这种古老的信仰被残酷的践踏 this ancient belief was to be severely challenged
After a century of humiliation and intervention
并使中国蒙辱 by foreign powers
毛泽东追求重塑中国的尊严 chairman Mao sought to rebuild China's dignity
毛主席坚信自力更生 Mao believed strongly in self-reliance
依靠丰富的自然资源来达成这一目标 achieve through using all of nature's resources
毛主席首先关心的是中国人的吃饭问题 Mao's first concern was to feed the Chinese people
将尽可能多的土地 by turning as much land as possible
转化为耕地 over to grain production
清除了非谷类作物 destroying non-cereal crops
并将成行的果树连根拔起 and uprooting fruit trees in the process
A campaign to eliminate crop-raiding sparrows backfired
捕食昆虫的鸟竟然也成为了攻击对象 when insect-eating birds were also targeted
病虫害在所难免 causing an increase in insect pests
自力更生大炼钢铁的结果 Efforts to make China self-reliant in steel
导致了百分之十的森林被砍伐 resulted in 10% of the country's forests being felled
在熔炉中焚烧殆尽 to feed the furnaces
除四害 大炼钢铁对中国的环境造成了巨大的影响
This had a profound impact on China's environment
其中有些影响一直持续至今 with effects in some cases lasting until the present day
毛主席关于农村的政策 Mao's policy towards the countryside
一言以蔽之: has been described in the phrase
"人定胜天" "man must conquer nature"
完全有别于古老观念中所述的 quite different from the ancient concept
人与自然和谐相处 of harmonious co-existence with nature
由于现代中国与外部世界的交流更加频繁 As modern China engages with the outside world
这种观点似乎占据了主导地位 which of this attitude seems likely to prevail
为了找到答案 To find the answers
我们的旅途将深入到中国的心脏地带 we'll travel to far reaches of the heartland
to see how its traditional cultures and unique creatures
在今天的处境 are faring today
北京一直以来都依赖着中国的北部平原 Beijing has always depended on the North China Plain
这块肥沃土地接近英国国土面积的两倍 a rich farm land twice the size of the UK
北部平原的肥沃起源于更远的 The fertility of this plain derives from further west
西部的黄土高原 from the Loess Plateau
黄土高原的富矿土壤 The mineral-rich soil of the Loess plateau
难以置信的富饶 is incredibly fertile
人们已经在这儿生活了数千年 People have lived here for thousands of years
在软土中抠建而成了他们的住所 hollowing their homes out of the soft soil
窑洞也许缺乏北京一样的魅力 The caves might lack glamour of Beijing
对这儿的人们来说却是生活的一部分 but people can survive here
不但温暖而且安全 warm, secure, but best of all
最好的是能够吃得饱 well fed