野生大熊猫 have some chance of survival
2003年 In 2003
环境保护成为了两亿中国学生 conservation became an integral part of the curriculum
课程的一部分 for China's 200 million school students
对秦岭地区的孩子而言 For the children of the Qinling Mountains
了解他们特别的邻居 knowing what a special neighbor they have
更有助于对其施以保护 may help to protect it for the future
在以人类历史上的空前节奏 In the midst of headlong change
突飞猛进发展之时 conducted at a pace unprecedented in human history
中国是否能秉承人地和谐的 can China hold on to its ancient desire
传统理念 for harmony with nature?
中国是否能调和人民日益增长的需求 Can it reconcile the aspirations of its people
与保护自然的长期需求间的平衡 with a long-term need to protect its environment
在北京中心地区天坛 Here at the Temple of Heaven in the very heart of Beijing
出现了对待自然的全新态度与理念 there are signs of a new attitude towards nature
每年, 成千上万的鸟儿 Every year, as thousands of birds
迁徙至南方过冬 migrate southwards to escape the winter
然而一种神秘的鸟类 One secretive species
却在天坛地区寻找过冬的庇护所 seek shelter in the temple grounds
拜庙宇的传统所赐 Safeguarded by the temple's tradition
甚至能目睹10只猫头鹰住在同一株树上 as many as ten owls can be seen in the same tree
最近成立的北京鸟类爱好者俱乐部 The owls' arrival is celebrated
正庆祝猫头鹰的光临 by members of recently formed Beijing Bird Club
迁徙可能会成为危险的旅程 Migration can be a dangerous undertaking
每年大量的猫头鹰 and every year many owls
不幸死于电线 交通 工业建设等意外事故 suffer the hazards of power lines, traffic and industry
有些则有幸在此得以终老 Some of the more fortunate end up here
北京猛禽救护中心 at Beijing's Raptor Rescue Centre
始建于2001年 Established in 2001
北京猛禽救护中心是该类医院的先驱 it's the first of it's kind
猫头鹰们在此被孙全辉 Here, owls are given medical attention
及其医疗小组悉心照顾 by Sun Quanhui and his team
他们甚至为鸟儿准备了 The birds are even exercised
复健训练 to help their rehabilitation
一旦确定恢复健康 Once deemed fit and healthy
他们将被带去位于京郊的山林放飞 the owls are taken to the hills at the edge of Beijing
每到春天 猛禽救治中心的工作人员 Every spring, staff from Beijing's Raptor Rescue Centre
便释放大量猫头鹰 relase dozens the owls
中国现存超过1500个 Today, there are over 1500
专门的自然保护区 designated nature reserves in China
覆盖了大面积 covering large tracts
最为丰饶的土地 of some of the country's finest landscapes
尽管中国以崭新的面貌和趋势 As China looks to the future
面向未来 with a renewed sense of direction
中国传统文化依旧是重要的文明构成 ancient traditions are still very much a part of its culture
这是旧历新年——春节 It's Chinese New Year