都市游客而言 whose everyday lives are far removed from wild life
这是常充满了敬畏与不安的邂逅 this encounter is an uneasy mix of reverence and fear
当然 猕猴们也是同样心情来面对这场际遇 For the macaques,too
这是种笨拙的关系 it's an awkward relationship.
猴子们总是掳掠水果 The monkeys normally forage for fruit,
但实际上游客是一种更便捷的食物来源 but the tourists are a much easier source of food.
持续与人类的接触 Constant contact with people
改变了族群的整体行为 is changing the behavior of the troop
Once wary of humans the macaques are growing bolder
游客们怎会知晓 How are tourists suppose to know
这种眉头高耸的表现意味着麻烦将至 that this eyebrow-raising display means trouble
一些过分自信的猴子们 Some of the more assertive monkeys
需要不时管教一番 have to be policed accordingly
虽然大量游客带给野生动物 While the impacts on wildlife from mass tourism
的并非总是益处 is not entirely beneficial
这些不断增长的游客 the fact the increasing numbers of people
却无比享受自然情趣 are enjoying nature at first hand
这也暗示了未来的希望 suggests some hope for the future
除却中国50年来的变化 Despite all the changes in China during the last 50 years
众多如峨眉般的圣地依旧处于保护之下 many sacred places like Emei are being protected
向西 Heading west
中国内陆腹地越显崎岖 China's heartland becomes increasingly rugged
越秦岭而立的是更为高耸的岷山 Beyond the Qinlin Mountains lies the even higher Minshan
那耸立的山峰掩映着 where towering peaks conceal
中国最为秀绝的土地之一 one of China's most remarkable landscapes
被中国人视为人间仙境的 known to the Chinese as fairyland paradise
九寨沟 直到上世纪70年代方为世人所知 Jiuzhaigou was virtually unknown until the 1970s
如今俨然成为中国最为著名的景点之一 today it's one of China's most famous tourist areas
和举世公认的 and it's recognized internationally
世界自然遗产 as a world heritage site
石灰质山脉是 The limestone mountains
注满上百个五光十色的 are the source of crystal-clear springs
富石灰质湖泊那 which are formed over 100 lakes
清入冰晶般的 filled with lime-rich water
泉水之源 of unbelievable colour
水底是水藻覆盖下 Underwater is a pefectly preserved ghostly forest
沉睡着的魔幻森林 shrouded in algae
这奇幻世界是幽居于 This strange world is home to a species of fish
湖中的独特鱼类的家园 unique to these lakes
谁能料到 Who would've guessd
如此邻近数十亿居民的 that with close to a billion inhabitants
中国心脏腹地带依旧保留着 China's heartland could still harbor
充满原始美的土地 a landscape of such pristine beauty.
秦岭的春天来临了 It's spring in the Qinlin Mountains
当农户照料作物时 As the farmers tend their new crops
中国最著名生物中的神秘物种 the secret life of China's most famous animal