他们也能为当地人带来恩惠 they can be a source of revenue for the community
数代的人持续受到洞穴的恩泽 People have been visiting this cave for generations
洞穴地底覆盖了满满鸟粪 The cave floor is covered in guano
so plentiful that 10 minutes' work can fill these farmer's baskets
这是一种宝贵的天然肥料 This used as a valuable source of fertilizer
A clue to the source of the guano can be heard above the noise of the river
噪音因为山洞而被放大 The sound originates high up in the roof of the cave
入口处聚满了雨燕 The entrance is full of swifts
他们是社交性动物 They are very sociable birds
more than 200,000 of them share this cave in southern Guizhou province
中国最大的雨燕栖息地 The biggest swift colony in China
如今 中国的家燕多数将巢穴建在建筑物的屋顶
These days, Chinese house swifts mostly nest in the roofs of buildings
但其实在房屋被发明出来之前 but rock crevasses like these were their original home
这样的岩缝才是他们原本安家的地方 long before houses were invented
尽管雨燕依靠洞穴遮蔽 Though the swifts depend on the cave for shelter
他们却必定在日落前归巢 they never stray further than the limits of daylight
因为他们的眼睛无法在黑夜中看清事物 as their eyes can't see in dark
然而洞穴深处 However, deep inside the cavern
是一群更适应地下 are the creatures are better equipped
隐秘生活的居民 for subterranean life
一群蝙蝠刚刚醒来 A colony of bats is just waking up
using ultrasonic squeaks to orientate themselves in the darkness
夜晚是狩猎时间 Night is the time to go hunting
Rickett's mouse-eared bat is the only bat in Asia which specializes in catching fishes
tracking them down from the sound reflection of ripples on the water surface
This extraordinary behavior was only discovered in the last couple of years
现在首次被记录下来展示给世人 and has never been filmed before
如果说在黑暗中追捕游鱼是如此的不可思议 If catching fish in the dark is impressive
imagine eating a slippery minnow with no hands while hanging upside down
拂晓降临至桂林的喀斯特山地 Dawn, over the karst hills of Guilin
这些山地的嶙峋奇秀归功于 These remarkable hills owe their peculiar shapes
漓江那弱酸性的水质 to the mildly acid waters of the Li River
whose meandering course over eons of time has corrode away their basis
只剩下坚硬的河道残留下来 until only the rocky course remained
漓江是中国最清澈的河流之一 Li is one of the cleanest rivers in China