所谓猴性难改 Like so much monkey business
起初不过是顽皮的混战 what starts off is a bit of playful rough-and-tumble
随后就会暴走失控 soon begin to get out of hand
然而猴王早就看穿了一切 The alpha male has seen it all before
他全然一副眼不见心不烦的样子 he's not in the least bothered
but someone or something is watching with a less than friendly interest
五步蛇是拥有死亡之吻的暗杀者The Chinese Moccasin is ambush predator with a deadly bite
This is one of China's largest and most feared venomous snakes
But the mondkeys have lived alongside these dangerous serpent for thousands of years
They use this, specific alarm call, to warn each other whenever a snake is spotted
一旦警报响起 毒蛇的袭击便对猴子丧失了威胁
Once its cover is blown, the bite proposes no threat to the monkeys
他们转移至安全的树梢 now safe in the treetops
一切归于平静 And life soon returens to normal
夏末的中国南部 By later summer, the rice fields of southern China
是一片璀璨的金色稻海 have turn to gold
如今是丰收的季节 The time has come to bring in the harvest
Nowadays, modern high yield strains are grown throughout much of the rice lands
受化学肥料的滋养 Boosted by chemical fertilizers
并用联合收割机进行大规模收割 and reaped by combine harvesters
这里是世界上最大的水稻种植区 This is the great rice bowl of China
占据世界水稻产量的四分之一 producing a quarter of the world's rice
被机器轰鸣惊扰的虫子 Insects, stirred up by the noisy machines,
马上成为了一群红尾燕的腹中餐 are snapped up by gangs of red-rumped swallows
包括新生儿—— including this year's youngsters
数周前刚刚羽翼丰满的新燕 who have fledged several weeks ago
This could be their last feast before they head for the winter
Mechanized farming works best in the flat bottom valleys of the lowland
在南面 浙江省连绵起伏的丘陵地带 To the south, in the terraced hills in Zhejiang province
人们坚持这一种古老而又简单的生活方式 an older and simpler lifestyle persists
现在是清晨7点 It's 7 in the morning
龙现村最成功的商人 and Longxian's most successful business man
出门工作 is off to work
在金黄梯田环绕的小村落 In the golden terraces surrounding the village
饱满的稻穗正待收获 the ears of rice are plump and right for harvesting
然而今天稻子却不是老杨心中首位 But today, rice isn't upon the most in Mr Yang's mind
他有更重要的事要做 He has bigger fish to fry
在山谷地带丰割已然开始 Further at valley, the harvest has already began
老杨的田地也临近丰收 Yang's fields are ripe too