Recently, their specialised diet has had dire consequences.
竹子有着难以预测的生命周期 Bamboo has a bizarre life cycle,
flowering infrequently, sometimes only once every hundred years or so.
But when flowering does occur, it's on a massive scale,
所有的植株都将追随死神的召唤 and it's followed by the death of all of the plants.
有时,整片竹林都可能随之消亡 Sometimes an entire bamboo forest may die.
在没有受到干扰的栖息地中 熊猫往往只是迁移到另外一片区域而已
In undisturbed habitat, pandas simply move to another area
未受开花影响的不同品种的竹子依旧生机勃勃 where a different bamboo species grows.
But as human activity has fragmented their forest home,
pandas find it increasingly hard to find large enough areas in which to survive.
Wild pandas are now found only in the forests of Central China,
远离东部 far to the east.
But in the hidden pockets of lowland jungle in Yunnan's tropical south,
居住着中国最神秘的野生动物之一 live one of China's best-kept wildlife secrets.
亚洲野象 The wild Asian elephant.
亚洲野象的一次迁徙 可以走到中国北方的北京那么远
Elephants once roamed across China as far north as Beijing.
But it's only in the hidden valleys of Yunnan that they have survived.
大象是森林的建筑师 Elephants are the architects of the forest.
竹子和草是大象最喜爱的食物 Bamboos and grasses are their favourite food
but saplings, tree leaves and twisted lianas are all taken, with little care.
当它们穿越森林 As they move through the forest,
大象开辟出了小块的林中空地 为森林中的地面带来了阳光
the elephants open up clearings, bringing light to the forest floor.
这对它们的家园有着较大的影响 This has a major impact on their home.
The richest forests are now known to be those which from time to time experience change.
The Jinou people are incredibly knowledgeable about their forests
and claim to have uses for most of the plants that they find there.
所有的植物都被基诺族人命名 They have names for them all,
那些吃起来应该不错 有的植物甚至还有很高的药用价值
those good for eating and some which even have strong medicinal qualities.
通过在这儿劳动 基诺族人扮演了一个与大象相似的角色
By working here, the Jinou play a similar role to the elephants,
开发森林 拓展空间 带来了阳光与多样化
opening up the forest, bringing space, light and persity.