每天清晨 山羊被放养在这些茶树梯田间
Every morning, goats are let loose among the tea terraces,
这是个历史悠久的传统 a centuries-old tradition.
看起来好象很奇怪让这些 This might seem surprising given goats' reputation
山羊去吃这些绿色的植物 for eating anything green,
不过茶树并不像看上去那样毫无设防 but tea isn't as defenceless as it looks.
茶叶中存在刺激性的化学成分 Tea leaves are loaded with bitter chemicals
以驱走啃食的动物 designed to repel browsing animals.
这对山羊很有效 It works on the goats,
它们只是吃光茶树外的杂草 who leave the tea untouched and instead eat up the weeds,
它们的粪便恰好茶树供给了养分 fertilising the tea plants with their droppings.
惊讶的是我们人类 The surprise is that we humans
却还没发现同样刺激性的化学鸡尾酒 should find the same bitter chemical cocktail
以便让人类根本不敢染指 utterly irresistible.
对客家人而言 种植茶树是家族事业
Among the Kejia people, tea-growing is a family business.
女人们采摘 男人门加工 打包 Women do the picking, while the men process and pack it.
张女士是一名客家家族的成员 Mrs Zhang belongs to a Kejia family
她们家族在这片同样的茶园 that has lived and worked for generations
生活劳作了数个世代 among these same tea terraces.
The finest tea needs to be gathered quickly in warm sunshine
这样可以让茶叶保留有茶油的香味as this brings out the flavour-enhancing oils inside the leaves.
This sustainable industry has protected one of China's finest landscapes
和最传统文化之一得以保存下来 and one of its most traditional cultures.
在早上采摘之后 At the end of the morning's picking,
张女士把茶叶带回家以待加工 Mrs Zhang returns home to drop off her tea ready for processing.
这个城堡式样的建筑在过去 This fort-like design has survived from a time
客家人得以从与敌对的当地部落势力 when the Kejia needed to protect themselves
斗争中幸存下来 against hostile local tribes.
每个房子有3到4层 Each house has three or four levels
以适合50到250人居住 designed to accommodate 50 to 250 people.
最底层是厨房和家畜使用 The ground floor houses the kitchens and animal stock
同时有一条通道通向水井取水 with access to a well for water.
第一层房间用作储藏 The first floor rooms are used for storage
第二层作为寝居 and the upper floors are bedrooms.
这一些很非凡的建筑已有800多年历史了Some of these remarkable buildings are 800 years old
经历了地震和台风并完整的保存了下来 and have survived earthquakes and typhoons.
当收集一定数量茶叶时 下一步加工开始了
Once enough tea has been gathered in, the processing begins.
把绿色茶叶变为市场销售的茶叶 Turning green leaves into saleable tea
最少包含8个步骤 involves at least eight different stages,
包括干燥 捻细 筛 挤压和扭拧 including drying, bruising, sifting, squeezing and twisting,